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Current search results for: light rock

Winning Plan  

by Soundroad 
Uplifting music conveying the sounds of success delivered as an optimistic light-rock royalty free soundtrack.

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Free Spirit  

by Soundroad 
Corporate stock rock music showcasing uplifting guitars while highlighting achievements and confidence.

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by Equivocal Music 
Casual, with electric guitars, drums and bass culminating in a joyous and pleasant mood.

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by Soundroad 
Chill out chordal introduction followed by guitars and drums highlighting a carefree experience.

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Soft chords, guitars and chill out beat create a sound in tandem with breathtaking imagery.

We Live Tonight  

by Patrick Moore 
Youthful and engaging pop rock royalty free music with uplifting guitars and a shimmering synth lead with anticipatory transitions. Suited for most ads and YouTube videos.

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Youthful and engaging pop rock royalty free audio with moments of pride and joy. Featuring uplifting guitars and a shimmering synth lead with anticipatory transitions. Well suited for most advertising campaigns and Youtube videos.